Thursday, 7 October 2010

so currently.....

I am knitting two projects. I am knitting another bow slouch hat, but using a different yarn to match my super long skinny scarf!! I will post the new pattern from using this yarn to give the pattern a few more options. So far its looking like this:


I have playing with trail and error for my next design pattern. I have stuck with the hat for now, but designed a beret/slouch style one. It has been finished now, however I have been playing around with it for a long time!!!! Unfortunately I still need to tune in the ribbing, which is at the start of the pattern for the hat. SO.......I shall be re-making it, but fingers crossed it will be the final one!!!!

Watch this space, should be here within this month for definite!!! Below are the pictures of the hat. A full pattern will be posted on here and Ravelry for anyone who wishes to also make it!




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